Will the fifth time be the charm in this Marvel franchise?
Ring in 2025 the weird way with this time-honored tradition
Robots | Artificial Intelligence
How a physical robot body may be required to ground an A.I.’s sense of self.
Which aliens from the world of Hollywood most fascinate the experts?
The cutest alien in the universe is back to make 2020 better.
Did we really need a new ‘Dune’ movie?
Real life as sci-fi in Silicon Valley.
The master of science fiction is getting a rebirth via his most important work.
Law Enforcement | New York City
This is what it looks like when a city and a country calls for change using the power of art.
Maybe this is the future of partying in the new germaphobe future.
Artificial Intelligence, 3D printing and blockchain can help the world recover from future crisis events.
The real pandemic is why we can’t have nice things in the fake pandemic.
This is what Japan thinks the future of 5G looks like.
Singapore has contact tracing teams, who identify all the contacts of an infected person and ring them up.
Can herd immunity protect us from the coronavirus, and are countries wise to adopt it?
“Flattening the curve” provides an opportunity to significantly reduce deaths from COVID-19.
How many people will it infect? The answers aren’t written in stone, they are partially within our control.
Science Fiction | Amazon Prime Video
These are the adventures of the Loop, a machine built to unlock and explore the mysteries of the universe.
Unlike most animals, humans can perceive some future threats and prepare for them.
Are you ready for the worst case scenario?
This is how ‘The Mandalorian’ made the sci-fi magic happen.
For space exploration and colonization to succeed, we need to overcome taboos, consider human needs and desires.
A poll by the Pew Research Centre found that 44% of Americans were pessimistic about what lies ahead.
The most underrated cyberpunk series on TV is back for more.
The perfect cyber house for the Cybertruck.
Within the last decade astronomers have discovered about a dozen terrestrial-sized exoplanets.
As natural disasters become more commonplace, is there a point at which we will become too distressed by the real to reproduce it as entertaining spectacle?
Robots | Artificial Intelligence
Should robots have rights? And will humanity ever reach a point where human and machine are treated the same?
Three new colliders will change the game in the coming decades.
Witness the beginning of the next sci-fi director’s feature film career.
With the Cybertruck, Tesla has integrated several of its technologies into one offering.
The Tesla Cybertruck has divided the world, which probably means it’s important. Time to unpack what’s really going on here.
Could treating social robots kindly make us kinder people? And could cruelty towards them make us more callous?